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Author Archives: Louise Savoie


5 Dieting Mistakes You Thought You Were Doing Right

The idea of a sleek and toned body is such a luscious fantasy. However, the actual process of getting there is not dreamy at all! More than sweat, the pain will be endlessly felt to acquire that well-sculpted physique. Other … Continue reading

Posted in Medication

4 Simple Ways to Achieve Good Nutrition

Keeping a healthy lifestyle is a tough challenge. Being healthy means you need to give up on some food and replace them with a nutritious alternative. Many diet fads have surfaced and they seem to promise good results. But is … Continue reading

Posted in Vitamins

The Scary Truth About Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest issues in health care today. Many bacteria and viruses have become resistant to antibiotics. It poses a threat to our health and to our safety as it has become a difficult task to … Continue reading

Posted in Vitamins

4 Reminders You Should Tell Yourself Every Day

When you’re under a lot of stress, everything in your routine changes. You skip meals, you sleep at odd hours, and your temper is shorter. It’s so hard to get through these kinds of periods in one’s life but it’s … Continue reading

Posted in Stress