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Tag Archives: Health Awareness


Stop these 6 Habits to Decrease your Risk of Heart Attack

Heart attacks can happen to anyone without a warning. Nobody would know when you can experience it until you feel the unbearable chest pain and shortness of breath. But, there are many things we can do to prevent a heart … Continue reading

5 Dieting Mistakes You Thought You Were Doing Right

The idea of a sleek and toned body is such a luscious fantasy. However, the actual process of getting there is not dreamy at all! More than sweat, the pain will be endlessly felt to acquire that well-sculpted physique. Other … Continue reading

4 Simple Ways to Achieve Good Nutrition

Keeping a healthy lifestyle is a tough challenge. Being healthy means you need to give up on some food and replace them with a nutritious alternative. Many diet fads have surfaced and they seem to promise good results. But is … Continue reading